Here is a list of nouns that start with COM.
comb, combat, combatant, combination, combine
combo, combustion, comeback, comedian, comedy
comer, comet, comfort, comic, coming
comma, command, commandant, commander, commanding
commandment, commando, commencement, commendation, comment
commentary, commentator, commerce, commercial, commercialism
commercialization, commissary, commission, commissioner, commitment
committee, committeemen, committeewoman, committment, commodity
common, commonplace, commonwealth, commotion, commune
communicating, communication, communicator, communion, communism
communist, community, commutation, commuter, compact
companion, companionship, companionway, company, comparison
compartment, compassion, compatability, compatriot, compendium
compensation, competence, competency, competition, competitor
compilation, compiler, complacency, complainant, complaint
complaisance, complection, complement, completion, complex
complexion, complexity, compliance, complication, complicity
compliment, component, comportment, composer, composing
composite, composition, compost, composure, compote
compound, comprehension, compressibility, compression, compressor
compromise, compromising, compulsion, compulsivity, computation
computer, comrade, comradeship
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