Here is a list of nouns that start with FO.
foal, foam, foaming, foci, focusing
fodder, foe, fog, fogy, foil
fold, folder, foliage, folk, folklore
follower, following, folly, fontanel, food
fool, fooling, foot, footage, football
footbridge, footfall, foothill, footing, footman
footnote, footpath, footstep, footstool, footwear
footwork, for, forage, foraging, foray
force, fore, forearm, foreboding, forecast
forecasting, forefeet, forefinger, foregoing, foreground
forehead, foreigner, foreknowledge, foreleg, foreman
forepart, forerunner, foreshortening, foresight, forest
forestry, forethought, forge, forgery, fork
forklift, form, forma, formability, formalism
formality, format, formation, formative, formula
formulae, formulation, fort, forte, forthcoming
fortitude, fortnight, fortune, forum, fostering
fouling, foundation, founder, founding, foundling
fountain, fountainhead, foursome, fowl, fox
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