Here is a list of nouns that start with GA.
gab, gabardine, gabble, gable, gadfly
gadget, gadgetry, gag, gage, gaggle
gagline, gaiety, gain, gainer, gaining
gait, gal, gala, galaxy, gale
gall, gallantry, gallbladder, gallery, galley
gallium, gallon, gallonage, gallop, gallstone
galvanism, gambit, gamble, gambling, game
gamebird, gamma, gamut, gang, gangland
gangplank, gangster, gangway, gantlet, gap
gapt, garage, garb, garbage, garden
gardener, gardenia, gardening, gargle, garland
garlic, garment, garnet, garrison, garter
gash, gasket, gasoline, gasp, gasser
gastronomy, gate, gateway, gathering, gaucherie
gauge, gauntlet, gauze, gayety, gaze
gazelle, gazer
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