Here is a list of nouns that start with HE.
head, headache, headboard, heade, header
heading, headland, headline, headlinese, headmaster
headquarter, headroom, headsman, headstand, healer
healing, health, heap, hearer, hearing
hearsay, hearse, heart, heartbeat, heartbreak
hearth, heat, heater, heather, heating
heave, heaven, heaving, hecatomb, heck
hedge, hedonism, heed, heel, hegemony
height, heightening, heir, hel, helicopter
helion, heliotrope, helium, hell, hellfire
helm, helmet, helmsman, help, helper
helpmate, hem, hemisphere, hemoglobin, hemorrhage
hemosiderin, hen, henchman, henchmen, heptachlor
herb, herd, heredity, heresy, heritage
hero, heroin, heroine, heroism, herpetologist
herpetology, herring, herringbone, hesitance, hesitancy
hesitation, hex, hexagon, hexameter, heyday
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