Here is a list of nouns that start with LA.
lab, label, labor, laboratory, laborer
labour, labyrinth, lace, lack, lacquer
lactate, lad, ladder, ladle, lady
lag, lagoon, laity, lake, lamb
lament, laminate, lamp, lamplight, lance
land, landau, landing, landlord, landmark
landscape, landslide, lane, language, lantern
lanthanum, lap, lapel, lapidary, lapse
larceny, lard, larder, large, largesse
lark, larkspur, larvae, lash, lasso
last, latch, latex, lath, lathe
lather, latitude, lattice, laudanum, laugh
laughter, launch, launcher, launching, laundering
laundry, laureate, laurel, lava, lavatory
lavender, law, lawmaking, lawman, lawmen
lawn, lawsuit, lawyer, laxative, layer
layette, laying, layman, laymen, layout
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