Here is a list of nouns that start with CA.
cab, cabana, cabaret, cabbage, cabdriver
cabin, cabinet, cable, cacao, cache
cacophonist, cacophony, cadaver, cadence, cadenza
cadet, cadmium, cadre, cafe, cafeteria
cage, cake, calamity, calcification, calcium
calculation, calculi, calendar, calf, calfskin
caliber, calibration, calibre, calico, calinda
caliper, call, caller, calligraphy, calling
calm, calorie, calorimeter, calumny, calypso
camaraderie, camel, camera, cameramen, camouflage
camp, campaign, campaigning, camper, campfire
campground, campmate, can, cancellation, cancer
candidacy, candidate, candle, candlewick, candor
candour, candy, cane, canine, canister
canker, cannery, cannon, cannonball, canoe
canon, canopy, cant, cantaloupe, canteen
canter, cantonment, canvassing, canyon, canyonside
cap, capability, capacitance, capacitor, capacity
cape, caper, capercailzie, capillary, capita
capital, capitalism, capitalist, capitol, capitulation
capsicum, capstan, capsule, captain, captaincy
captive, captivity, capture, car, caramel
caravan, caraway, carbide, carbine, carbohydrate
carbon, carbonyl, carborundum, carboxymethyl, carcinoma
card, cardamom, cardboard, cardinal, cardiomegaly
care, career, careerism, caretaker, cargo
caricature, caricaturist, carload, carloading, carnality
carnival, carousing, carpenter, carpentry, carpet
carpeting, carping, carport, carreer, carriage
carrier, carrot, carrying, carryover, cart
carte, cartilage, cartoon, cartoonist, cartridge
carver, case, casebook, casein, casework
cash, cashmere, casino, cask, cast
caste, castigation, casting, castle, castor
castorbean, casualty, cat, catalog, catalogue
catalyst, catastrophe, catch, catcher, catching
catchup, catechism, category, caterpillar, cathedral
catheter, cathode, catkin, catsup, cattaloe
cattle, cattlemen, cauliflower, cause, causing
caution, cavalry, cavalrymen, cave, caveat
cavemen, cavern, caviar, cavity, cavorting
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