Here is a list of nouns that start with CH.
chagrin, chain, chair, chairing, chairman
chairmanship, chairmen, chaise, chalk, challenge
challenger, chamber, chambermaid, chamfer, champagne
champion, championship, chance, chancel, chancellor
chancery, chandelier, change, changing, channel
chant, chanter, chantey, chap, chapel
chaperon, chaperone, chaplain, chapter, character
characteristic, characterization, charcoal, charge, chariot
charisma, charity, charlotte, charm, chart
charter, charting, chartist, chartroom, chase
chasing, chasm, chastisement, chastity, chat
chatter, chattering, chauffeur, chaulmoogra, chaw
check, checkbook, checker, checking, checklist
checkup, cheek, cheekbone, cheer, cheese
cheesecloth, cheetah, cheetal, chef, chemical
chemise, chemistry, cherry, cherubim, chest
chestnut, chewing, chicanery, chick, chicken
chief, chiefdom, chieftain, chignon, child
childbirth, childhood, children, chili, chill
chimney, chin, china, chip, chiropractor
chirping, chisel, chivalry, chive, chloride
chlorine, chlorothiazide, chlorpromazine, chlortetracycline, chocolate
choice, choir, choking, cholera, cholesterol
cholinesterase, chomp, chop, chopper, chord
chore, choreographer, choreography, choring, chouise
chow, chowder, christening, chromatogram, chromatography
chrome, chromium, chronicle, chronology, chuck
chuckle, chum, chump, chunk, church
churchgoing, churchmen, churchyard, churning, chute
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