Here is a list of nouns that start with CR.
crabapple, crack, crackle, crackling, crackpot
cradle, craft, crafter, craftsman, craftsmanship
craftsmen, cramp, crank, crankshaft, crap
crash, crasher, crate, crater, craving
crawl, crawlspace, craze, creak, creaking
cream, creamer, crease, creation, creativity
creator, creature, creche, credibility, credit
credo, credulity, creed, creek, creep
creeper, crepe, crescendo, crescent, crest
crevice, crew, crewcut, crewel, crewmen
crib, cricket, crime, criminal, criminality
crimson, cripple, crisp, criteria, criterion
critic, criticism, critique, critter, croak
croaking, crocodile, crone, crook, crop
crossing, crossover, crosswalk, crouch, croupier
crow, crowbait, crowd, crowing, crown
crucifix, crucifixion, crudity, cruelty, cruise
cruiser, cruising, crunch, crupper, crusade
crusader, crush, crusher, crushing, crust
crutch, crux, cry, cryostat, crypt
crystal, crystallite, crystallization, crystallography
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