Here is a list of nouns that start with BR.
brace, bracelet, brachii, bracing, bracket
brad, brag, braggadocio, brain, brainwashing
brake, bran, branch, brand, brandy
brassiere, bravado, bravery, bravura, brawl
brawle, brazier, brazil, breach, bread
breadth, break, breakage, breakaway, breakdown
breaker, breakfast, breaking, breakoff, breakthrough
breakup, breakwater, breast, breath, breather
breathing, breed, breeze, brethren, brevity
brew, brewery, brick, bricklaying, bridal
bride, bridegroom, bridge, bridgehead, bridgework
bridle, brief, briefcase, briefing, brig
brigade, brigadier, brilliance, brim, brindle
bringing, brink, brinkmanship, bristle, broadcast
broadcasting, broadening, broadside, brocade, broccoli
brochure, brockle, broil, broiler, broker
brokerage, bromphenol, bronc, bronchi, bronchiole
bronze, brood, brook, broom, broth
brothel, brother, brotherhood, brow, brown
bruise, brunt, brush, brushcut, brushfire
brushing, brushwork, brutality, brute
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