Nouns starting with the letter E are listed here. Many types of nouns are shown which can be helpful for writing engaging text.
eagle, ear, earl, earnest, earth, earthenware, earthmoving, earthquake, earthworm, ease, easel, easement, eating, eave.
eccentric, eccentricity, echelon, echo, eclat, eclipse, ecliptic, economist, economy, ecstasy, ecumenist.
edema, edge, edging, edifice, editing, edition, editor, editorial, editorialist, editorship, education, educator.
effect, effectinge, efficacy, efficiency, effluent, effluvium, effort.
egalitarianism, egg, egghead, eggshell, ego, egotism, egotist.
elaboration, elan, elasticity, elation, elbow, elder, election, electorate, electric, electricity, electrocardiogram, electrocardiograph, electrode, electromagnet, electromyography, electron, electronography, electroshock, electrotherapist, elegance, elegy, element, elephant, elevation, elevator, eligibility, elimination, elite, elk, ell, ellipsoid, elm, elongation, eloquence, elsewhere, eluate, elucidation, elution.
emanation, emancipation, emasculation, embankment, embargo, embarrassment, embassy, embezzlement, embodiment, embouchure, embrace, embracing, embroidery, embryo, emcee, emerald, emergence, emergency, emigration, eminence, emissary, emission, emotion, emotionalism, emotionality, empathy, emperor, emphysema, empire, empiricism, employ, employe, employee, employer, employment, emulsion.
enactment, enamel, encampment, enchantment, enclosure, encounter, encouragement, encroachment, encyclopedia, encylopedia, end, endearment, endeavor, endeavour, endevor, ending, endogamy, endorsement, endosperm, endowment, endurance, enemy, energy, enervation, enforcement, engagement, engine, engineer, engineering, engraver, engraving, engrg, enigma, enjoinder, enjoyment, enlargement, enlarging, enlightenment, enlistment, enmity, enormity, enrage, enrichment, enrollment, ensemble, enslavement, enslaving, entanglement, enterotoxemia, enterprise, entertainer, entertainment, enthalpy, enthusiasm, enthusiast, entirety, entity, entomologist, entourage, entrance, entranceway, entrant, entrepreneur, entropy, entry, enumeration, enunciation, envelope, environment, envy, enzyme.
epic, epicenter, epicure, epicycle, epidemic, epigraph, epilogue, epiphany, episode, epistemology, epitaph, epithet, epitome, epoch, epoxy, epsom.
equal, equality, equalization, equalizing, equanimity, equating, equation, equator, equilibrium, equine, equipment, equipping, equity, equivalence, equivalent.
era, eradication, eraser, erection, erosion, erotica, errand, error, erudition, eruption.
escalation, escapade, escape, escapist, escheat, escort, escritoire, escutcheon, espionage, esplanade, espousal, essay, essence, essential, establishing, establishment, estate, esteem, estimate, estimation, estrangement.
eternity, ethanol, ethic, ethicist, ethyl, etiquette.
euphemism, euphoria, europeanization, eutectic.
evacuation, evaluation, evangelism, evangelist, evaporation, evasion, eve, evening, evensong, event, eventuality, everywhere, evidence, evil, evocation, evolution.
exacerbation, exaggeration, exaltation, examiantion, examination, examiner, example, exasperation, exboyfriend, excavation, excellence, excelsin, excelsior, exception, excerpt, exchange, exchequer, excise, excitability, excitement, exclamation, exclusion, exclusive, excretion, excursion, excuse, execution, executioner, executive, executor, exemplar, exemption, exercise, exercising, exertion, exhaust, exhaustion, exhibit, exhibition, exhusband, exile, existence, existent, existentialist, exit, exogamy, exoneration, expanse, expansion, expansionist, expectancy, expectation, expediency, expedient, expedition, expenditure, expense, experience, experiment, experimentalism, experimentation, experimenter, expert, expertise, expiation, expiration, explanation, exploit, exploitation, exploration, explorer, explosion, explosive, export, expose, exposition, exposure, expression, expressionism, expressionist, expressway, expulsion, expunging, expurgation, extension, extent, exterior, extermination, extern, externalization, extinction, extract, extraction, extrapolation, extrema, extreme, extremity, extrovert, extruder, exuberance, exultation.
eye, eyeball, eyebrow, eyeful, eyelid, eyepiece, eyesight, eyeteeth.
There are many other posts on to view that are like the above E nouns list but which start with different letters. Of all the parts of speech used in constructing a sentence, the noun is one of the most important, and these examples of nouns beginning with E can hopefully help one find the perfect word.
Electrician eight eighteen