Here is a list of nouns that start with PRE.
preacher, preaching, preamble, precaution, precedence
precedent, preceding, precept, prechlorination, precinct
precipice, precipitate, precipitin, precision, precocity
precondition, predecessor, predicament, predicator, predictability
prediction, predisposition, prednisone, predominance, predomination
preface, preference, preferment, pregnancy, prejudice
preliminary, prelude, premier, premiere, premise
premium, premix, premonition, preoccupation, preordainment
prep, preparation, prepayment, prepolymer, preponderance
preposition, prepublication, preradiation, prerequisite, prerogative
prescription, presence, present, presentation, presenter
preservation, preserve, presidency, president, pressure
prestidigitator, prestige, presumption, presupposition, pretence
pretense, pretext, prevalence, prevention, preview
prevision, prey
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