Here is a list of nouns that start with TR.
trace, trachea, tracing, track, tract
tractor, trade, trademark, trader, tradesmen
tradition, traditionalism, traditionalist, traffic, tragedy
trail, trailer, train, training, trainman
trait, traitor, trajectory, tramp, trampling
tramway, trance, tranquility, tranquilizer, tranquillity
transaction, transaminase, transcendence, transcript, transcription
transducer, transfer, transferee, transference, transferor
transferral, transformation, transformer, transgression, transience
transistor, transit, transition, translation, translator
translucence, translucency, transmission, transmitter, transmitting
transmutation, transom, transparency, transpiration, transport
transportation, transposition, transshipment, transvestitism, trap
trapdoor, trapezoid, trapper, trash, trauma
travel, traveler, traveller, travelogue, trawler
tray, tread, treadmill, treason, treasure
treasurer, treasury, treat, treatise, treatment
treaty, treble, tree, trek, tremor
trench, trenchermen, trend, trestle, triad
trial, triamcinolone, triangle, tribe, tribesmen
tribulation, tribunal, tribute, trick, trickle
trickster, tricolor, trifle, trill, trilogy
trim, trimester, trimming, trinket, trio
triol, trip, triphenylarsine, triphenylphosphine, triphenylstibine
triphosphopyridine, triple, triplet, triplication, tripod
tripolyphosphate, triptych, triservice, trisodium, triumph
trivia, triviality, trolley, trollop, trombonist
troop, trooper, troopship, trophy, tropidoclonion
tropocollagen, trot, trotter, troubie, trouble
troubleshooter, trough, troup, troupe, trouser
trout, truce, truck, truckdriver, trucker
trucking, truculence, true, truism, trumpet
trumpeter, trundle, trunk, trust, trustee
trusteeship, truth, try
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